The Greenwich Hibernian Association, states that Greenwich was co-founded in 1640 by an Irishman named Captain Daniel Partrick and his companion Robert Feakes. They paid for a large tract of Indian land with 25 coats. Captain Partrick, distinguished more for bravery in battle than manners, had arrived in Greenwich from Boston, from whence he was expelled by Puritans ''for unbecoming behavior.''
The Greenwich Hibernian Association is a nonprofit fellowship of men and women of Irish Catholic descent. It has social functions, gives scholarships, and sponsors the annual St. Patrick's Day parade in Greenwich. The new parade route (1.1 miles) starts at Town Hall and proceeds along Field Point Road to West Putnam Avenue down Greenwich Avenue to the Island Beach parking lot.
Photo: 2014 Greenwich St. Patrick’s Day Parade. (Barkey Powell)
Photo: 2014 Greenwich St. Patrick’s Day Parade. (Barkey Powell)
Photo: 2014 Greenwich St. Patrick’s Day Parade. (Barkey Powell)
Photo: 2014 Greenwich St. Patrick’s Day Parade. (Barkey Powell)
"Greenwich Hibernian Association," Community Answers
Dates: March
Hours: Starts at 2:00 pm
Greenwich Hibernian Association
PO Box 238
Greenwich, CT 06836
Phone: (203) 869-1531
Date(s): Founded 1978
The Irish experience has had a profound impact on Connecticut's past, and its narrative spans all periods of the state's history and touches every one of its eight counties and 169 towns.